i have respekt for your point, but I thnik what you say proof what I say, you are a military man, and you want war against Irak, I am not a military man , and dont want war against Irak, why? you dont say one world about all this innocent who is going to bee killdm tyoical fore a militay man,
Wen it comes to israel, I think you must bee brainwashd, what Israle are doing widh the palestinian peopel is a terribel thing, what about when they go into sabra and shatila and sluter 100 of peopel, on Sharson order, i think he some time have to pay fore this,
war is no solution to problems, i think history show this.
I am convised over that if Us want saddam away, why was they not take him away last time when they was in war? a very difficult qestion isnt it?
And today we see the biggest demostraitons seens wietnam, all over the word against WAR, thats give mee some hope .
Saddam is a very bad man, but you have bad men all over, why is the point only on saddam? Oil?
In Affrica fore exampel you have some dicktaitors how is realy evel, but US dont care WHY?
But I saw on TV yesteray that Even in US peopel are awakning upp fore the propagande goverment use to the peopel , as always they use Tv and media to show ther point of wuie,, you ust look truh that, fubby, but when you lokk on CNN, and compare it to what we see here in sweden, you can belive it is to diffrent things you look at.